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America’s Biggest Fears Study: What Spooks Each State

Halloween is that time of year when fears are heightened, the eerie sounds of the night feel a little too real and our imaginations run wild with spooky possibilities. From creepy crawlies to supernatural frights, most of us have that one fear or phobia that sends shivers down our spines. We took a closer look to uncover what truly haunts each state.

To do this, we surveyed 3,000 Americans, asking not just what terrifies them, but how often those worries occupy their thoughts. We also asked whether a $1,000 incentive would be enough to encourage them to confront their spookiest nightmares for 24 hours. Afterall, Halloween is the perfect time to face your fears — if you dare. So, grab your candy (and don’t forget a flashlight) as we uncover what gives America the biggest scare!

Key Findings:

  • Death reigns as America's biggest fear, dominating in 17 states
  • Heights claims the 2nd spot, lurking in 8 states and districts
  • Snakes slither into 3rd place, causing anxiety in 6 states
  • Public speaking and enclosed spaces tie for 4th place, each haunting 4 states
  • Failure and spiders round out the top 5 list, each feared in 2 states

Each State’s Biggest Fear or Phobia

Only 3% of our 3,000 respondents claimed to be completely fearless, meaning a whopping 97% of participants have something that gives them the creeps. When asked to rate their discomfort on a scale of 0 (not scared at all) to 5 (very scared), the average response was a solid 4. Even more surprising? The average American thinks about their biggest fear around 4 times a week — talk about living rent-free in our heads! So, with that in mind, let's dive into these phobias and see what sends shudders across the country.

America’s Biggest Fears Study: What Spooks Each State

Death takes the top spot as the biggest fear in America, with 17 states naming it their number 1 dread. Among those fearing the inevitable are states like New York, Texas, California, Nevada, Colorado, and even New Hampshire. Turns out, no matter where you live, the thought of the great unknown haunts many.

Heights takes the 2nd spot leading in 8 states/districts such Pennsylvania, Michigan, Maryland and DC. We asked our respondents just how far they would go to avoid their fear of heights, and the answers were sky-high! Some confessed to driving miles out of the way to dodge bridges, one admitted to crawling instead of walking when faced with a high-up spot, and a few said they’ll do just about anything to keep their feet firmly on the ground.

Snakes slither into 3rd place as the biggest fear in 6 states, including Mississippi, Maine, and West Virginia. Some of our respondents are so rattled by snakes, they can’t even look at a picture without squirming – including changing the channel at the first hiss. However, the main defense is staying far away from snake-prone areas, and we can't blame them!

Public speaking and enclosed spaces take joint 4th place, each dreaded in 4 states. Public speaking takes the lead in Illinois, Wisconsin, Missouri, and Indiana, while enclosed spaces are feared in Iowa, New Jersey, Oregon, and Idaho. One respondent revealed they were so determined to avoid a cramped elevator that they ascended a staggering 67 flights of stairs just to make it to their interview.

Closing out the top 5 are failure and spiders. Failure keeps folks in Louisiana and Kentucky tossing and turning at night, while spiders give residents of Massachusetts and New Mexico the heebie-jeebies. These arachnophobes will go to great lengths to keep those eight-legged terrors at bay! One inventive person took matters into their own hands by placing garlic around all their doors, hoping to ward off any creepy crawlers. The pièce de résistance? A respondent who crafted a homemade spider repellent using lime, vinegar, and dish soap — because nothing says “stay away” like a DIY potion! And let’s not forget our honorable mention: ghosts and spirits which haunt the nightmares of those in Montana.

Would You Face Your Fears for $1,000?

We asked our respondents if they would be willing to face their biggest fear for 24 hours in exchange for $1,000 (hypothetically). The results? A cautious 33% said they’d only take the plunge if guaranteed safety — because who wants to end up as a ghost story? Meanwhile, 27% flat-out declined, probably envisioning a haunted house filled with their worst nightmares. On the braver side, 24% were willing to embrace their fears for the cash, while 16% said they needed to think it over — perhaps weighing the odds between a cash prize and a night spent with creepy crawlies. It seems that when it comes to facing fears, a little cash can be tempting, but safety is still the ultimate treat.

Spook-tacular Halloween Activities: Which are the Scariest?

Lastly, we wanted to uncover which Halloween activities give Americans the biggest fright. Here’s what we discovered:

  1. Using a Ouija board: 27%
  2. Visiting a graveyard at night: 21%
  3. Walking through a haunted house: 21%
  4. Exploring a corn maze: 18%
  5. Watching a horror movie alone: 13%

It looks like the creepy allure of a Ouija board tops the list, followed closely by late-night graveyard visits and haunted house strolls. And let’s face it, watching a horror movie alone isn’t for the faint of heart!


As Halloween approaches, it's clear that our fears are as diverse as the candy in our trick-or-treat bags. From the deathly dread in New York to the snake-induced panic in Mississippi, every state has its own spooky tale. So, whether you’re dodging ghosts or avoiding creepy crawlies, enjoy Halloween and all its thrills!


We surveyed 3,000 Americans asking questions on their biggest fears for Halloween.

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